Omananda Blogger Blog Started TODAY


Today, I've decided to move to Blogger for a variety of reasons. I've used WordPress in the past, but I want my contacts to be online even when I'm in the physical form. I have a lot of incredible information to share, so this is just the beginning of something profound, so please enjoy the poetry that'll coming through.

After traveling for thirty years non-stop, there's wisdom to be shared. A long time ago, I offered myself in sacred sacrifice and devotion, surrendering completely to Lord Shiva. The result left a flow of cosmic love with an open channel that transmits mystical and practical information, some of which will be shared in this blog, together with some world travel experiences. You'll learn from it, so welcome & enjoy... 

Hare Om Tat Sat, Hare Om, Omananda

PS: I love you all, and this life is too beautiful not to be shared.

Always feel free to connect, leave some comments with good vibes, and reach out, especially when receive inspiration from what you learn on this blob. This post will be comment-free, but future posts you can comment on. 

With love, Omananda

This image is of Omananda & Greta Grondahl